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Selected Translations

Collator and Main translator Martin Kern, 早期中國的書寫、詩歌和文化記憶 [Writing, Poetry, and Cultural Memory in Early China] Beijing: Sanlian chubanshe, forthcoming Collator Martin Kern, 秦始皇石刻:早期中國的文本與儀式 [The Stele Inscriptions of Ch’in Shih-Huang] Beijing: Sanlian chubanshe, 2015...


Interviews and Essays   “Sinophone Classicism,” Himalaya Podcast “Chinese Civilization” Series [Web] 杨炼对话严歌苓:“这无非是普普通通的一年” [Web] [Print] Köpfe und Ideen | “Untergründig lebt das Gegen-Gedächtnis” Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin,...

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