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Journal Articles

Journal Articles

The Chairman’s Voice:  Revolutionary Classicism and Lyric Ventriloquism in Maoist China PMLA (forthcoming 05.2025) [Link] The enduring influence of Mao Zedong’s classicist poetry worldwide is a fascinating phenomenon, especially because this “conservative” genre is...
Book Chapters

Book Chapters

Genosse Whitman: Der Barde Der Demokratie Unter Chinesischen Linken Horizonte Der Demokratie: Offene Lebensformen Nach Walt Whitman, pp. 67–86. Eds. Till van Rahden and Johannes Völz. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2024 Voices from the In-Between: Chinese Internet...
Selected Translations

Selected Translations

Collator Martin Kern, 秦始皇石刻:早期中國的文本與儀式 [The Stele Inscriptions of Ch’in Shih-Huang] Beijing: Sanlian chubanshe, 2015 Translator Jeremy Rifkin, 歐洲夢:二十一世紀人類發展的新夢想 [The European Dream: How Europe’s Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream] Chongqing:...
Edited Volumes

Edited Volumes

Guest Editor (with David Der-wei Wang). Special Issue “Classicism in Digital Times: Cultural Remembrance as Reimagination in the Sinophone Cyberspace,” Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature 20.2 (September 2023) [Online Access] CONTENT Zhiyi Yang and David...
Current Projects

Current Projects

The Poetic Unicorn: Avant-garde Lyric Classicism in the Sinophone Cyberspace (working title; book manuscript in progress) Since the turn of the millennium, the rapid development of the Sinophone internet in and beyond China has given fresh impetus and revitalized the...

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Sinologie, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

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